If the post offices in the country can act as e-commerce facilitators, it could have multiplier effects on the Indian economy. Discuss (200 Words)
Refer - Business Line
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IAS Parliament 3 years
· The Indian Postal Department has played a crucial role in the communication system of the country ever since the establishment of the first post office in Kolkata in 1727.
· However, the significance of post offices in communication has been drastically diminishing due to changes in the mode of communication.
· Post offices can play a critical role in bridging one of the crucial barriers faced by start-ups and MSMEs, that is, the absence of a free online platform and efficient and affordable courier service provider to enter into online trading.
· The post office can enter into e-commerce in two ways: by expanding shipping and delivery service appropriately; and through maintaining an online platform for trading various products as Amazon and Flipkart do now.
· Due to its local level reach, post offices can readily handle many services offered by rural workers or the people with less knowledge in using modern technology. For example, there’s a demand-supply mismatch for jobs like coconut tree climbing, tree cutting, painting, and so on. Addressing this would benefit both the customers and the job providers.
· A public sector online platform may further induce private investment, especially from the large number of MSMEs and start-ups. Such a move will have a multiplier effect.
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IAS Parliament 3 years
Good attempt. Keep Writing.