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IAS Parliament 6 years
· This is the underlying premise of a diplomatic push by Prime Minister in setting up a global Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) with a funding pledge of 480 crore.
· Prime Minister used the G20 summit in Osaka to promote the idea and invite greater international participation.
· CDRI acting as a convening body that pools best practices and resources from around the world for reshaping construction, transportation, energy, telecommunication and water, so that building in these core infrastructure sectors factors in natural catastrophes.
· CDRI could fill a real gap at a time when climate change-induced floods, cyclones and fires have multiplied in destructive force.
· Suppose a disaster strikes a country, the affected nation could approach CDRI for technical and financial help, thus shielding it from excessive damage and devastation.
· Post-calamity resuscitation and reconstruction to strengthen local infrastructure and soften the blow of the next disaster, is a farsighted approach. It can only work if there is domestic political will, which is reinforced at the multilateral level through CDRI.
· CDRI could be the next major foreign policy innovation Doctrine to enhance India’s status by serving the needs of the rest of the world.
· Although India suffers from poor urban and rural planning, it is also being recognized as a world leader in saving lives during natural catastrophes. The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) has praised India as a pioneering role model for drawing up a national and local strategy to reduce disaster losses and risks.
· If India is a world leader in preventing human deaths in disasters, it is not so adept in protecting property and infrastructure from extreme weather havoc. This is where CDRI is looking to tap into the expertise of Japan.
· Indian leader sought Japan’s assistance in disaster resilient infrastructure and termed the Japanese role as “crucial because of its experience in disaster management, rehabilitation and reconstruction".
· India is therefore looking at Japan to guide CDRI and also tie in disaster-resilient criteria into Japanese foreign aid to developing countries.
· An Indo-Japanese push via the vehicle of CDRI makes eminent humanitarian and geopolitical sense.
Vandana 6 years
Please review
IAS Parliament 6 years
Try to elaborate more on functional role of CDRI. Keep writing.
Krish 6 years
Kindly review sir,Thank u
IAS Parliament 6 years
Good attempt. Keep writing.
K. V. A 6 years
Pls review
IAS Parliament 6 years
Try to elaborate more on the role of CDRI. Keep writing.
Nagesh m 6 years
Please review sir
IAS Parliament 6 years
Good attempt.Try to stick to word limit. Keep writing.