
25/02/2019 - International Relations

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February 25, 2019

How will the shift in Indus Water Treaty 1960 by India affect both the countries? (200 Words)

Refer - The Indian Express

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IAS Parliament 6 years


From India’s perspective

·        Recent Pulwama terror attack enforced India to utilize the full share of waters in Beas, Ravi, Sutlej which lies under the scope of Indus Water Treaty 1960.

·        This could be used for irrigation purpose in areas of Leh and Ladakh which can improve the productivity of Horticulture, resulting in increased household income.

·        Establishing Run of River projects(RoR) in the Western rivers  (Chenab, Jhelum, Indus) where the operation remain unrestricted. This increases the supply of Hydro-electricity to Jammu and Kashmir.

·        Eventhough India stick to the provisions of The treaty this policy shift overshasdows India’s Soft power matrix (to measure the effectiveness of India’s foreign policies).

From Pakistan’s perspective

·        Pakistan being downstream part of the Indus system gets affected severely because India’s move. Restricted flow of water affects agricultural productivity of the country.

·        Sowing of Wheat and its associated cropping pattern could get undermined, resulting in poor output.

·        This further results in reduction of confidence building measures bilaterally, undermines vision of SAARC, and the potential integration of South Asian region.

·        Whenever there exists a crisis, it is an opportunity for others. Further increase in dominance of China’s hold over Pakistan, thereby destabilising effect of the neighbourhood policies of India.

Sandeep 6 years

Kindly review thanks

IAS Parliament 6 years

: Good answer. Try including about deterioration of India’s soft power. Keep Writing.

Raj 6 years

Kindly Review. Thanks!!

IAS Parliament 6 years

Try including about increase in irrigation, hydroelectricity facilties for Jammu and Kashmir region. Keep Writing.

Raj 6 years

Sure. Thanks!!

AP 6 years


IAS Parliament 6 years

Try mentioning specific positive effects for India like increase in hydroelectricity, irrigation facilities,negative effects like affecting India,s soft power etc. Keep Writing.



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