
25/02/2021 - Governance

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February 24, 2021

Recent Odisha’s declaration on corruption can be an effective tool to fight against the corruption in the country. Elaborate (200 Words)

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tina 4 years

If possible, could you please review this? Thank you very much.

IAS Parliament 4 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.

IAS Parliament 4 years


Public declaration of assets of all political and bureaucratic functionaries from the panchayat to the party president level seeks to promote transparency between the citizens and those in power.

Increasing accountability

·        For, the State government has also adopted technology in a big way and online transactions to reduce discretion.

·        Accountability has also been addressed through tough action taken against uncooperative government servants.

More can be done

·        Once the new preventive mechanism kicks in, processes to monitor irregularities and outliers will need to be developed by Lok Ayuktas.

·        Current monitoring practices rely only on inspections and raids, mostly on intelligence reports.

Protecting whistleblowers

·        Although the Whistle Blower Protection Act, 2014 was passed at the Central level, the law itself is not operational yet.

·        Odisha can show the way to the country in this respect too by notifying a separate framework for protection of whistle-blowers.

Knowledge of officials’ assets among the people, complemented with protection for whistle-blowers and certainty of punishment can create an environment that can be conducive towards cleaner and efficient governance regime.




Dev 4 years

Please review and provide feedback

IAS Parliament 4 years

Try to include about the relevance of Odisha's declaration. Keep Writing.



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