Scrapping wired broadband licence fees by the government is a good start, giving more spectrum is critical to fix issue of mobile internet speeds. Elaborate (200 Words)
Refer - Financial Express
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IAS Parliament 5 years
· While mobile broadband speeds have risen considerably over the last year or two, this is still no substitute for wired broadband, more so when work-from-home is increasingly the norm; it is only when 5G technology is used, thanks to its particular characteristics, that wireline speed can actually be delivered wirelessly.
· Of course, there is an equally urgent need to dramatically lower both licence fee and spectrum usage charges for mobile telephony since, while wired broadband is faster and more stable, mobile broadband is a lot faster to deploy.
· In such a situation, it is critical to nurse the mobile industry back to health, and the way to do that is to scrap or substantially lower licence fees and spectrum usage charges.
· That way, even if revenues from these levies go down the blinding competition which the government ignored played a very big role in revenues collapsing as well the government will earn more out of spectrum auctions; a low annual levy can be considered to ensure revenues don’t fall since the usage will rise a lot.
· To get faster mobile broadband speeds, though, the government will also need to move on two or three other fronts; getting telcos back in the black, of course, is critical as nothing can work till this is fixed.
· But, that apart, one of the main reasons for why mobile internet access is slow is because telcos can’t move data across their mobile towers efficiently as the microwave links between them are not fast enough; so the signal travels fast from your phone to the tower—and back—but it then slows down there.
· Optic fibre is an obvious solution for connecting various mobile phone towers, but laying it continues to be an uphill task given the municipal permissions required. Also, in congested cities, it may not even be possible to dig everywhere; as a result, just 20-25% of all mobile towers are connected via optic fibre today.
· And, while Trai was incorrect in its belief—in the case of Vodafone Idea that higherspeed internet for those who paid more violated the principle of net neutrality, the regulator was right in the sense that, when there are enough subscribers to fill up the network, higher speeds for certain subscribers will lower speeds for the others.
· If that is to be fixedthe way to do it is to prescribe minimum speeds for different categories of subscribers the government just needs to ensure telcos have adequate quantities of spectrum.
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