
25/10/2021 - Agriculture

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October 25, 2021

Fruits, vegetables, spices, and livestock are high value in nature, not linked to MSPs, and market and demand-driven. Discuss how this can help increase the incomes on a per hectare basis, and also do farming more sustainably. (200 Words)

Refer - The Indian Express

Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.

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IAS Parliament 3 years


Fruits, vegetables and spices have more demand in market so the prices are based on market demand.

Increasing the income

·        As the demand increases so the production of horticultural corps, increase in urbanization in the country induces farmers to produce more crops.

·        This correspondingly increases the net sown area of the horticultural crops and increases the yield, the government also supports the farmers in providing cold storage infrastructure via Pradhan mantra kisan sampada yojana.

·        Further value added fruits and vegetables have high export value and are demanded more at international level.

·        This increases the income of entrepreneurs and provides more employment to the skilled youth.

·        The establishment of mega food parks in various states provides the comprehensive infrastructure for the processing of food at various levels allows for sustainable farming.

Sustainable farming

·        The government advises the farmers to alter the cropping pattern so that the yield is more. Example:  use of inter cropping, mixed cropping.

·        Integrated farming system in animal husbandry allows the farmers to use the existing resources to use as inputs and increase the yield with minimum level of investment.

·        The wastage from the yield is used as input for bio-ethanol plants resulting in the production of bio-gas and minimize the cumulative carbon emission.

Mirudula Parthibarajan 3 years

Kindly review

IAS Parliament 3 years

Introduction part with supporting data is good. But the focus should be on fruits, vegetables, livestock rather than shifting to Maize. Good attempt. Keep writing.



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