
25/12/2018 - Governance

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December 25, 2018

Frequent transfers of civil servants continue to be one of the most troublesome governance problems still facing in India. Discuss its implications and suggest measures for smooth functioning of bureaucracy.(200 Words)

Refer - The Indian Express

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IAS Parliament 6 years



In India change of government automatically follows the change of higher echelons of bureaucracy thereby lowering the organizational efficiency of the country.


Implications of frequent transfers of bureaucracy


    It adversely affects governance because civil servants are not allowed to stay in a position long enough to acquire adequate knowledge and experience of their job, and an understanding of the milieu and culture in which they have to function and the problems they need to redress.

    Civil servants are unable to build the required mutual confidence and understanding which takes time to develop and is necessary for administrative leadership.

    It prevents civil servants from staying in a position long enough to institute or sustain reforms and it is both demoralizing and demotivating when civil servants are not in a position long enough to see the fruits of their efforts which could be a source of enormous dissatisfaction to them.

    Frequent transfers and posting lead to lack of accountability and corruption.


Suggestions for the smooth functioning of bureaucracy


    In order to ensure administrative continuity and stability to incumbents, a minimum tenure for each posting of officers should be predetermined, and it should normally be three to five years.

    According to the ARC report, Central Civil Services Authority should be charged with the responsibility of fixing the tenure for all civil service posts under the Union Government.

    The Authority should also be given the responsibility to monitor postings and place before Parliament a periodic evaluation  of the actual average tenure for each post and for the  Central Government as a  whole.

    The constitution of high-powered Civil Service Boards, both at the level of the Union Government and State Governments to look into and regulate cases of premature transfers of civil servants.

    The boards should be set up in  State  Governments to implement a streamlined transfer and promotion policy to assist the political executive who would ultimately decide regarding such matters based on identifiable criteria.  Such Civil Service Boards should be constituted under statutory provisions.

Nandadeep 6 years

Kindly review.thanks

IAS Parliament 6 years

Try add some points from 10th ARC report Refurbishing personnel administration.Good Answer. Keep Writing



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