
26/01/2019 - International relations

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January 26, 2019

Discuss the efforts that are required to be taken at the international level to resolve the ongoing crisis in Venezeula.(200 Words)

ReferThe Hindu

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IAS Parliament 6 years


A combination of remarkable incompetence, misguided ideology, and systemic corruption have reduced a once prosperous and resilient democracy of Venezeula resulting in mass migrations.

Major Problems

·        The International Monetary Fund projects that the Venezuelan economy will contract by 18 percent in 2018 under the weight of 1,370,000 percent inflation and with the prospect of 10,000,000 percent inflation in 2019.

·        Despite having the largest proven oil reserves in the world, mismanagement has led oil production. 

·        The energy sector is so decimated that the country now faces regular, widespread power outages.

·        Venezuela’s agriculture sector has also imploded.Today, the country faces severe food shortages:  Empty store shelves have become the rule, and authorities are using access to food rations as a form of social and political control.

·        The country’s health care system has collapsed to the point that previously eradicated diseases such as malaria and diphtheria have re-emerged, and infant and maternal mortality are on the rise.

·        Venezuela’s democratic institutions have been systematically hollowed out to such an extent that most of the countries of the Western Hemisphere dismissed the country’s last presidential election, earlier this year, as illegitimate.

·        Corruption is endemic, with Venezuela ranking 169th out of 180 countries assessed in Transparency International’s latest Corruption Perceptions Index.

Strategies to prevent the crisis

·        UNHCR has the responsibility to address the impending refugee crisis to curb the mass migrations.

·        Need to open a formal International Criminal Court (ICC) investigation into regime figures responsible for crimes against humanity in Venezuela, and bring charges against them.

·        International Monetary fund to provide loans at a reasonable interest rate to boost the Venezeula’s economy.

·        International council of Agricultural research needs to work with the Venezeulaian Government to restore the crisis in agriculatural sector.

·        Leaders should take the path of peace and discussion to solve the domestic crisis and has to work collectively with international institutions at all levels



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