Having multi-faceted engagement with Africa, the foreign policy implementation needs a comprehensive review. Critically Analyse (200 Words)
Refer - The Hindu
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
IAS Parliament 4 years
· India-Africa trade is on a decline. According to the Confederation of Indian Industry, in 2020-21, India’s exports to and imports from Africa stood, respectively, at $27.7 billion and $28.2 billion, a reduction of 4.4% and 25% over the previous year.
· India’s investments in Africa too saw a decrease from $3.2 billion in 2019-20 to $2.9 billion in 2020-21. India’s top three exports to Africa are mineral fuels and oils (processed petroleum products), pharmaceutical products and vehicles.
· A recent World Health Organization survey revealed that 41 African countries had fewer than 2,000 working ventilators among them.
· While China has successfully used the pandemic to expand its footprint by increasing the outflow of its vaccines, unfortunately India’s ‘vax diplomacy’ has suffered a setback.
· This came in the wake of the debilitating second wave of COVID-19 in the country and the shortage of vaccine raw materials from the U.S. Geopolitical tensions in Asia.
· The third India-Africa Forum Summit was held in 2015. The fourth summit, pending since last year, should be held as soon as possible, even if in a virtual format.
· Fresh financial resources for grants and concessional loans to Africa must be allocated, as previous allocations stand almost fully exhausted.
· The recent India-EU Summit has identified Africa as a region where a partnership-based approach will be followed.
Jeevan S 4 years
Please review and enlight me with your valuable comments
IAS Parliament 4 years
Try to include about cultural aspect. Keep Writing.
Hari Prasath 4 years
Kindly review sir
IAS Parliament 4 years
Try to bring coherence in the answer. Keep Writing.
Cibi Siddharth 4 years
kindly review and provide suggestions mam/sir
IAS Parliament 4 years
Try to emphasize more on need for review. Keep Writing.
Abdul hakkim 4 years
Please review mam/sir
IAS Parliament 4 years
Try to add cultural, strategic dimension. Keep Writing.