
26/10/2021 - Geography

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October 26, 2021

Kerala and Uttarakhand received record rainfall in October, with several districts reporting 24-hour highs that exceeded the figures from over a century. What explains this incessant rain? (200 words)

Refer - The Hindu

Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.

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IAS Parliament 3 years


·        There are different factors at play in Kerala and Uttarakhand. There have been two rain-bearing ‘low pressure systems’ that are active in the Arabian Sea as well as the Bay of Bengal since the past week.

·        Western disturbances, which are periodic influxes of moisture-laden clouds from the Mediterranean, and common during winter, are what caused the rain in northern India.

·        The Bay of Bengal is still warm and strong winds from there are reaching as far as Uttarakhand and will contribute to rainfall in several parts of north-eastern India.

·        Overall elevated temperatures are also contributing to warmer waters in the Arctic Ocean and drawing colder air from the poles with greater intensity.

·        This added to the increased moisture, thereby seeding more intense western disturbance activity over north India.

·        . The monsoon cycle is prone to large variations, and every year regional factors get accentuated  it’s hard to predict which in advance  that then lead to extreme climate events.

·        This year, India was poised to receive below normal rainfall until August when global meteorological factors changed and caused a torrential September that largely repaired the monsoon deficit.

·        Kerala and Uttarakhand have large tracts of hilly terrain that are prone to landslips. But construction has continued unabated even on land unsuited for human habitation.




Rajalakshmi 3 years

Please review. Thank you.

IAS Parliament 3 years

Good Attempt. Try to avoid using short forms like AS for Arabian Sea. Keep writing.

Shashank Singh 3 years

Please review 

IAS Parliament 3 years

The introduction part of explaining the incessant rainfall scenario can be cut-short to few lines. The second part of the answer is written very well. Good Attempt. Keep writing. 

Samy uvaraj 3 years

Please review!!


IAS Parliament 3 years

Valid points and Inclusion of flow chart is appreciable. Good Attempt. Keep writing.  

Cibi Siddharth 3 years

kindly review and provide suggestions sir 

IAS Parliament 3 years

Good Attempt. Keep writing. Try to include maps.



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