In the context of post pandemic period, it is necessary for the Government of India to narrow the existing digital divide in India. Analyse (200 Words)
Refer - The Indian Express
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Dev 4 years
Please Review and Provide Feedback
IAS Parliament 4 years
Good attempt. Keep Writing.
IAS Parliament 4 years
The increasing in digital divide after the post pandemic is expected to create inequalities in the society.
Reasons to narrow digital divide
· According to Annual survey of education report 2020, 5 % of rural children with low parental education attended online classes.
· Children in Rural areas lack access to online education system, also the internet penetration is still low in hinterlands.
· Increased online transactions during pandemic, in case of stricter protocols after pandemic, online payments are expected to rise.
· Increased e-commerce business, purchase of vegetables, food products are met through websites.
· To increase internet banking facilities in rural areas to cope up with the pandemic protocols.
· Digital literacy is very low in rural areas, this can be narrowed down with help of Common service centres, role of banking correspondent etc.
· To improve the efficiency of Public service delivery by the Government to citizens via e-governance projects. Example- Bhoomi Rashi portal.
Measures needed
· Increase awareness about the role of digital governance.
· Creation of better digital infrastructure in the country with help of schemes like PM-Wireless access networks.
· Increase in participation of civil society organisations to increase the internet penetration in the country.
Ashutosh 4 years
Plz review and give feedback
IAS Parliament 4 years
Try to underline key points and include data to support your answer. Try to include about online education e-governance, internet banking facilities etc. Keep Writing.
Sheetal Vinod Kothari 4 years
Do comment
IAS Parliament 4 years
Try to stick to word limit. Try to about internet banking access, e-governance, online education system etc. Keep Writing.