Deregulating labour markets can potentially influence the overall growth and formal employment. Do you agree with this view? Comment (200 Words)
Refer - Business Line
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
IAS Parliament 3 years
· The hiring of 10 lakh people will not only help the government meet its stated targets but also strengthen the march towards a fully Atmanirbhar Bharat.
· In order to ease the administrative regulations and delays, single-window clearance, self-certification of compliance by enterprises, online filing for Registration and Returns, transparent inspection system, etc., have also been undertaken by some States.
· The Economic Survey (2018-19), which studied the impact of labour reforms undertaken by Rajasthan, showed that the post-reform period saw higher growth rate in the number of factories employing more than 100 employees.
· A study by the VV Giri National Labour Institute showed that deregulation of labour markets have had a positive impact on the overall growth and employment.
· As of 2017-18, over 50 per cent of the employment in the manufacturing sector in all the States was in plants with 300 or more employees.
· The industry says that the self-certification scheme has led to increased trust between the employers and labour administration/government machinery.
· The introduction of the Shram Suvidha portal of transparent inspection system, reducing the human biases/interference and the online filing of registration.
· Implementation of the labour codes and rules has the potential to accelerate India’s journey to lead the world’s strongest economies.
please review my answer..and tell my mistakes.
IAS Parliament 3 years
Try to include data to support your arguments and briefly explain the flow chart. Keep Writing.
K. V. A 3 years
Kindly review
IAS Parliament 3 years
Good attempt. Keep Writing.