
27/07/2020 - S & T

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July 27, 2020

If the Gopalakrishnan report is taken forward  with its recommendation for new data legislation, India could steal a march over the EU. Explain (200 Words)

Refer - The Indian Express

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IAS Parliament 5 years



·         The present situation of data’s non-governance in economic terms suits the powerful actors that dominate digitally across the globe – US and Chinese companies and their respective governments. Whoever collects data de facto owns its economic value.

·         Non-personal data, which includes anonymised data is increasingly becoming almost as important as personal data. It is the real fuel for artificial intelligence (AI).

·         It is in this context that a committee set up by the government on governing non-personal data, headed by Kris Gopalakrishnan, co-founder of Infosys, recently put its draft report for public consultation.

·         Taking the bull by the horns, the report asserts that non-personal data collected from a particular group or community legally belongs to it.

·         Such a conception of “community data” makes it legally incumbent upon all data collectors to, if asked for, share the concerned data for the community or society’s benefit.

·         The purpose is to support data/AI start-ups, and the development of necessary data-based public goods. This alone can ensure a robust domestic data and AI industry in India. What the AI strategies of countries/regions like the UK, France and EU just hope for in terms of widespread sharing of data for establishing a strong domestic AI industry, the Gopalakrishnan report plans to actually make possible.

·         Any non-personal data collected by a company from outside sources (community/society) is to be considered shareable on demand.

·         Every business that deals with data beyond a certain threshold, whichever sector that business may otherwise be in (hospitality, transport) will have to register as a data business. It will need to list out its major data activities, including the kinds of community data collected.

·         Apart from economic rights, the report for the first time also provides protection rights for individuals and communities even for anonymised data. This is achieved by putting a justiciable “duty of care” on data collectors to handle and use such data in the best interest of data subjects.

·         The Gopalakrishnan report is the first policy document globally that thoroughly addresses economic governance of digital society’s most important resource.


aswin 5 years

please review

IAS Parliament 5 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.

Saravanan 5 years

Pls review

IAS Parliament 5 years

Merely mentioning recommendation is not needed, try to explain how it ensures strengthening legal basis for data legislation. Keep Writing.



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