
28/01/2021 - Governance

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January 28, 2021

Geospatial techniques can enable the participatory governance in land administration in India. Explain (200 Words)

Refer - The Indian Express

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sivasree 4 years

kindly review

IAS Parliament 4 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.

IAS Parliament 4 years


·        Geospatial (GIS) techniques that can correlate data to a particular location can have that same impact for governance as data costs and technology-enabled and democratised access.

·        Post-independence, tribal community which had depended on forest land as a primary source of livelihood was deprived of their access.

·        A significant reason for such low access to land titles and security is the lack of education and resultant agency.

·        This is compounded by complex governmental processes and low rates of such claims being accepted.

·        It is in situations like this  involving complex land issues and vulnerable communities  that GIS imaging can play its most critical and conclusive role.

·        These images can bring to life the complicated maps and property markers that otherwise elude disadvantaged communities to legitimise the claim to their space.

·        Spatial maps over many years can also help in establishing whether this landholding existed in the cutoff year.

·        In urban governance as well, geospatial imagery can help municipalities record their land visually.

·        It will then be an excellent record for city planning, protection of urban spaces and for better tracking of service infrastructure like sewerage networks.

·        The biggest potential win for geospatial is to increase citizen agency. The combination of mobile phones, cheap data and GIS imagery can democratise their ability to engage in the development of both rural and urban property.

·        However, in the end, this needs to be supplemented with reliable and efficient offline governmental processes to really build the momentum.


Dev 4 years

Please Review and Provide Feedback 

IAS Parliament 4 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.



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