AI provides a strategic instrument to government to address various challenges and an opportunity for global leadership by creating foundational technologies and digital infrastructure. Discuss (200 Words)
Refer - Financial Express
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IAS Parliament 5 years
· According to a report by Price waterhouse Coopers, AI could contribute a whopping $15.7 trillion to global GDP by 20301. However, for India, AI is much more than just a piece of this pie.
· For India, the real power of AI lies in its transformative potential to address massive societal challenges that were traditionally considered to be beyond the purview of computing.
· For example, India stands to lose $4.58 trillion before 2030 due to non-communicable diseases and mental health conditions. Cardiovascular diseases (accounting for $2.17 trillion) and mental health conditions (accounting for $1.03 trillion), will lead the way in economic loss.
· In the transport sector, as per a Government of India report, road accidents led to 17 deaths on roads every hour in the year 2016, outlining the urgent need for smarter infrastructure.
· Non-communicable diseases like depression can be treated by achieving a better understanding of the brain and mind using AI and computing.
· With the rise of wearables, AI can allow individuals much greater control over their health and empower them to make better decisions about their well-being.
· In agriculture, AI can help us handle the complexity and uncertainty associated with production, making better sense of problems associated with epidemics, price volatility of raw materials and optimal usage of resources such as water, energy and fertilisers.
· It can empower farmers to deploy tailored interventions ranging from predictable crop planning to precision farming. In India’s smart cities, AI algorithms in collision avoidance systems can give an approximate 1.5 seconds advance notice to drivers to avoid 93% of road accidents.
· The rAIse Summit will be the first such major event in India organised in collaboration between the government, industry and academia.
HB 5 years
please review
IAS Parliament 5 years
Good attempt. Keep Writing.
Raj 5 years
Kindly review. Thanks
IAS Parliament 5 years
Good answer. Try to underline key points. Keep Writing.