It is necessary for the country to have a national movement for quality self-reliance. Do you agree with this view? Comment (200 Words)
Refer - The Indian Express
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
IAS Parliament 5 years
· Self-reliance is directly connected to quality. It is widely accepted that the developed nations are able to dominate global markets because of their innovative products and their quality.
· It is clear that the prime minister wants India to produce goods of a quality that not only reduces our dependence on imported goods, but also makes them well sought after globally while placing India amongst the foremost exporters of the world.
· Quality pertains not only to industrial goods but rather to every walk of life because all activities in society are interlinked. We can realise the dream of self-reliance only when we bring quality to every facet of life
· Lack of demand has the maximum impact on farmers. They only get the minimum support price in respect of a limited number of crops. An adequate price for their other crops is directly dependent on demand and demand is led by the people’s buying power or the income they spend in the market.
· India has tremendous opportunity in handicrafts and Ayurvedic products. These products will have to deal with challenges in terms of quality, branding and marketing. Agriculture is India’s most traditional and fundamental sector.
· Indian products will face stiff competition from those already in the market. So, be it agriculture or any other sector, if we want to make ourselves strong to face the competition, we have to manufacture top quality goods at competitive prices. The answer to every challenge is quality.
· It is a similar story with the pharma sector. Though India is a major producer of drugs, it mostly imports API (active pharmaceutical ingredient). Indian companies have immense opportunities in this sector.
· It is clear that if India wants to be truly self-reliant, then it needs to make the pursuit of quality part of our DNA. The prosperous classes of Indian society will have to lead the quest for quality. They can bring about a change by using their earnings to increase incomes of their employees.
K. V. A 5 years
Pls review
IAS Parliament 5 years
Good attempt. Keep Writing.