
28/08/2021 - International Relations

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August 28, 2021

Amidst uncertainties, India must leverage its soft power earned from its contribution to Afghanistan in various ways. Analyse (200 Words)

Refer - The Indian Express

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IAS Parliament 4 years


·        India is currently the fifth-largest donor in Afghanistan. The latter is also among the top five recipients of India’s external assistance.

·        India’s total development assistance over the years has been worth over $3 billion.

·        India has established itself over the last two decades as a reliable development partner, having largely delivered on its envisioned projects.

·        The former has helped build goodwill and greater people-to-people contact and has involved measures focusing on health, education, capacity development and food security, among others.

·        As far as hard infrastructure is concerned, building institutions, roads and infrastructure for power transmission has featured prominently.

·        Examples include the parliament building which was inaugurated in 2015, financing the Delaram-Zaranj Highway as well as the 42 MW Salma Dam in Herat province.

·        India had also engaged in triangular cooperation under the US umbrella, cooperating with USAID on various programmes like the Afghan Women’s Empowerment Programme.

·        India follows a demand-driven approach, which implies that the sectors for investment are chosen by the recipient government.

·        although its aid is extended as a soft means to gain strategic leverage, it comes without political trappings.

·        At the Afghanistan Conference in Geneva in 2020, India announced several fresh development commitments including the construction of the Shahtoot Dam in Kabul.

·        India can do much to build a more resilient Afghanistan with respect to climate change and disaster risk reduction with it spearheading global campaigns like CDRI. 



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