
28/12/2018 - Urbanization

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December 28, 2018



Even though cities in India requires cutting-edge technology for its growth, participatory governance is a necessary condition for their sustainability. Discuss (200 Words )

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IAS Parliament 6 years


Role of technology in promoting the growth in cities

·        Through the use of modern technology and open data in urban design, planners can better determine how best to string together the different elements of urban planning to create inclusive communities. Tools such as the National Equity Atlas and Metro Pulse help planners and designers make sense of demographic data, racial equity, and economic benefits.

·        By incorporating technology into urban design, a greater level of connectivity can be achieved for residential and commercial settings. It enables one to work from home and other locations, reducing commute times and improving traffic conditions.

·        Using the right tools can help planners establish the best way to improve a community’s sustainability. For example, through the use of apps like Environmental Impact Calculator that provides information on time by mode and number of calories that will be burned to get from one destination to another.

·        Use of electric vehicles, e-bikes reduces the cumulative carbon emission thereby reducing effects of urban heat islands.


Participatory governance a necessary condition

·        Cities are complex systems, an ‘organic’ one and self-adaptive’.

·        Self-adaptive systems points to where the capability (and motivation) of change in them resides.

·        Therefore, it is the strength of its internal system of self-governance that gives a city its resilience and abilities to adapt along with environmental changes and new technologies for democratic participation of citizens in the governance of their own cities is a move in the right direction.

·        Well informed citizens acts as negative feedback for the complex systems resulting in making corrective changes and helps in sustainability of the system.

·        Participation of citizens in waste management help improve the recycling rate of wastes in India,thereby reducing the environmental pollution significantly.

·        Example: Pune based model of waste management; well informed citizens with cooperation from Pune municipal corporation led to their success.

·        The fruit of development reaches the lower strata of people if there is participatory governance.

Nandadeep 6 years

Kindly review.thanks

IAS Parliament 6 years

Try be specific in mentioning about role of technology and how participatory governance paves the way for their sustainability. Keep Writing.

Abhishek Dandriyal 6 years

Kindly review.

IAS Parliament 6 years

Try discussing how technology contributes to the growth of cities. Keep Writing.

Sahitya 6 years

Please review 

IAS Parliament 6 years

Try discussing few points in specific about the role of technology in the growth of cities. Keep Writing.



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