
29/01/2021 - History

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January 29, 2021

Patharughat peasant uprising of Assam was a forerunner of Civil disobedience movement of 1930. Examine (200 Words)

Refer - The Indian Express

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IAS Parliament 4 years


More than a hundred peasants fell to the bullets of the British on January 28, 1894 in Assam.

Reasons for uprising

·        The unarmed peasants were protesting against the increase in land revenue levied by the colonial administration, when the military opened fire.

·        In 1893, the British government decided to increase agricultural land tax by 70- 80 per cent on the basis of surveys.

Forerunner of Civil Disobedience Movement

·        Across Assam, peasants began protesting the move by organising Raij Mels, or peaceful peoples’ conventions.

·        Gatherings being democratic, the British perceived them as breeding grounds for sedition, supress the conventions forcefully

·        British officers were refusing to listen to the farmers grievances, lathi charge followed by an open firing which killed many of the peasants present.

·        It was a peaceful protest and a precursor to the Civil Disobedience movement, which was later propagated by Mahatma Gandhi.

Nature of the uprising

·        The history of the pre-Congress, pan-Indian anti-imperialist movement, in the absence of a well-defined leadership, the masses organised themselves to resist the British.




sivasree 4 years

kindly review

IAS Parliament 4 years

Try to provide sub-headings for better clarity in the answer. Keep Writing.

Sheetal Vinod Kothari 4 years

Please review

IAS Parliament 4 years

Answer not yet posted.



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