
29/06/2019 - Economy

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June 29, 2019

Reinventing the methodology of poverty line in India is crucial for the development of the country. Discuss  (200 Words)

Refer - Indian Express

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IAS Parliament 6 years


·        Existing poverty line on the basis of Suresh Tendulkar committee heavily relies on month per capita income of the individual.

·        But poverty not only has economic dimension but also other dimnesions like social dimensions, infrastructure facilties, accessibility etc.

·        So it is now crucial for Government to update its poverty line by including the relevant dimensions according to the present situation.

Reasons for updating poverty line

·        We are not a poor country any more, not with just 4.5 per cent of the population classified as poor (the Tendulkar poverty line of Rs 44 per person per day in 2017-18 prices).

·        Given that there has been very low inflation since then, consider this as the poverty line today.

·        We have always considered food consumption as the ultimate criterion of poverty. Hence, we have built up an elaborate (too elaborate) ecosystem of food production, consumption, and distribution.

·        Time has come to dismantle this ecosystem an ecosystem that is biased against the poor farmer, against climate change mitigation and also against efficient use of water and energy.

·        The rethink has to be about defining poverty in relative, not absolute terms. Most European nations have a relative definition of poverty  that is, a fixed proportion of the median income.

·        We should move towards that by the end of 2024, when India will likely be a $5 trillion economy with a per capita income of around $3,500-$4,000.

·        India should forthwith move towards an updated poverty line, a poverty line consistent with our income status today as a lower-middle income country note, no longer a poor economy.

·        Poverty is now not just about food but living standards — sanitation, housing, piped water, electricity, education, health, and jobs, each of these elements, the focus should shift to quality, not quantity.

·        Poverty is no longer about food, so free up the food producers rather than keeping them as prisoners of policy (and politicians and bureaucrats).

·        Therefore, the new approach towards poverty alleviation should involve targeted income transfers.

·        The direct benefit transfer mechanism of the government has been able to resolve targeting problems for a bulk of the 430 government schemes and subsidies.

·        Such a policy is likely to help the government in rationalising and consolidating its poverty reduction programmes, thereby freeing up resources for other sectors in the economy.

Nandadeep 6 years

Kindly review.Thanks

IAS Parliament 6 years

Good answer. Keep Writing.

Santosh kulkarni 6 years

Kindly review. Thanks.

IAS Parliament 6 years

Need better understanding. Try to include reasons to create better poverty line, also include some criticisms in existing poverty line. Keep Writing.

Shivang Sharma 6 years

Review please

IAS Parliament 6 years

Try to add the reasons for including various dimensions in poverty line. Keep Writing.

K. V. A 6 years

Pls review

IAS Parliament 6 years

Try to include the reasons for adding various dimensions to update the poverty line, also include few criticism in exisiting poverty line. Keep Writing.



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