
29/09/2021 - Government Policies

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September 29, 2021

Social registries are key to ensuring that the development gains are realised while enabling welfare delivery effectively. Explain (200 Words)

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IAS Parliament 3 years


·        A social registry essentially attempts to harmonise information systems to create a registry of citizens to establish their eligibility for social welfare programmes.

·        The 2011 Socio-Economic and Caste Census (SECC) helped in facilitating targeted interventions under various schemes and consideration to undertake the SECC again is currently underway.


Data collection

·        Data collection is the single most important step in the process of creating a social registry.

·        Similar efforts are needed in India to build awareness around consent and mainstream privacy consciousness among the masses.

·        The effort by the Government of Odisha to link 20 State scheme datasets to identify authentic beneficiaries for its KALIA scheme is one such example.


·        The institutional arrangements for managing social registries vary across the world.

·        In India, given the number of beneficiaries, unique development contexts across regions and multiples welfare schemes will be more prudent and secure.


·        Instituting independent administrative bodies can help detect and deter delivery gaps and leakages, and also serve as a source of subject-matter expertise.

·        In India, along the lines of the National Health Authority for the health sector, creating other bodies which could provide independent sector-specific expertise and evaluation of the programme must be considered.

IAS Parliament 3 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.

Manish 3 years

Please review !

IAS Parliament 3 years

Good attempt. Try to provide a conclusion. Keep Writing.



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