
30/03/2021 - Civil Society

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March 30, 2021

Discuss the frame work for improving the governance of non-governmental organisation in the country. (200 Words)

Refer - Financial Express

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IAS Parliament 4 years



·        The number of registered societies has also increased manifold in the last 20 years.

·        Even a simple act of filing of annual audited returns is not insisted. Many of the NPIs traced had poor employment and financial records.

·        There are some other regulations for example, those arising out of the Income Tax Act or the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, which only cover some aspects of governance.

Governance framework

·        For improving the governance you need data. It is extremely difficult to get any data in the current set-up, fragmented and paper-based as it is.

·        To ensure democratic functioning of NGOs, as participation in these provides education and experience to a large number of people in governance, certain minimum regulation is needed.

·        52% of funding in the 2012 survey of NPIs came from public sources, there is sufficient public stake in efficient and transparent functioning of the NGO sector.

·        Ther is a need enact a model law and circulate to all the states for adoption, as has been done for many areas.

·        States and the Union could form a SPV for doing it, and this SPV could charge the NGOs a small fee for maintenance of their data and it could be linked to the size of operations.






Dev 4 years

Please review and provide feedback

IAS Parliament 4 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.



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