With the introduction National Education Policy 2020, transformative education policy framework is the need of the hour to effectively boost the student learning capacity. Examine (200 Words)
Refer - The Indian Express
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Abdul hakkim 4 years
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IAS Parliament 4 years
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IAS Parliament 4 years
· India’s new National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 is responsive to the call to integrate technology at every level of instruction.
· It envisions the establishment of an autonomous body, the National Education Technology Forum (NETF), to spearhead efforts towards providing a strategic thrust to the deployment and use of technology.
· India is well-poised to take this leap forward with increasing access to tech-based infrastructure by flagship programmes such as Digital India.
· Conditional on good learning design, technology holds promise and has incredible potential in enabling greater personalisation of education and enhancing educational productivity.
· The Hamara Vidhyalaya in Namsai district, Arunachal Pradesh, is fostering tech-based performance assessment.
· Samarth in Gujarat is facilitating the online professional development of lakhs of teachers in collaboration with IIM-Ahmedabad;
· Jharkhand’s DigiSATH is spearheading behaviour change by establishing stronger parent-teacher-student linkages;
· lessons may be drawn from the Government of India’s Aspirational Districts Programme on tech-enabled monitoring and implementation that emphasises citizen engagement, partnerships and effective service delivery.
· Special attention must be paid to address the digital divide at two levels — access and skills to effectively use technology and leverage its benefits.
· The NITI Aayog’s India Knowledge Hub and the Ministry of Education’s DIKSHA and ShaGun platforms can facilitate and amplify long term learning.