
30/06/2021 - Education

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June 30, 2021

With the introduction National Education Policy 2020, transformative education policy framework is the need of the hour to effectively boost the student learning capacity. Examine (200 Words)

Refer - The Indian Express

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Abdul hakkim 4 years

Please  review mam/sir

IAS Parliament 4 years

Try to bring coherence in the answer. Keep Writing.

IAS Parliament 4 years


·        India’s new National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 is responsive to the call to integrate technology at every level of instruction.

·        It envisions the establishment of an autonomous body, the National Education Technology Forum (NETF), to spearhead efforts towards providing a strategic thrust to the deployment and use of technology.

·        India is well-poised to take this leap forward with increasing access to tech-based infrastructure by flagship programmes such as Digital India.

·        Conditional on good learning design, technology holds promise and has incredible potential in enabling greater personalisation of education and enhancing educational productivity.

·        The Hamara Vidhyalaya in Namsai district, Arunachal Pradesh, is fostering tech-based performance assessment.

·        Samarth in Gujarat is facilitating the online professional development of lakhs of teachers in collaboration with IIM-Ahmedabad;

·        Jharkhand’s DigiSATH is spearheading behaviour change by establishing stronger parent-teacher-student linkages;

·        lessons may be drawn from the Government of India’s Aspirational Districts Programme on tech-enabled monitoring and implementation that emphasises citizen engagement, partnerships and effective service delivery.

·        Special attention must be paid to address the digital divide at two levels — access and skills to effectively use technology and leverage its benefits.

·        The NITI Aayog’s India Knowledge Hub and the Ministry of Education’s DIKSHA and ShaGun platforms can facilitate and amplify long term learning.



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