There is a tendency in some quarters to see India’s interests in BIMSTEC as part of its strategy to isolate Pakistan. Do you agree with the view? Justify your stand. (200 words)
Refer – The Hindu
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
IAS Parliament 7 years
· India’s intention was neither to isolate Pakistan nor to depress SAARC.
· In fact, India did its best, whenever opportunities emerged to revitalise SAARC grouping.
· For example, at the 18th SAARC Summit in Kathmandu, in 2014, India proposed the SAARC Motor Vehicles Agreement.
· However, this could not progress due to resistance from Pakistan.
· Pakistan also opted out of the ambitious SAARC Satellite project proposed by India, leading to a change in its name to the South Asia Satellite.
· These two recent instances underscore India’s genuine attempts to revitalise SAARC.
· A dormant SAARC limited both the scope of India’s growing economic aspirations as well as the role it could play in improving regional governance.
· This had derived India’s interests in the BIMSTEC forum.
· Now, BIMSTEC has gradually emerged as a key vehicle to take forward India’s regional, strategic and economic interests.
· The main motivation for India to push BIMSTEC is thus not Pakistan; rather, it is in the country’s interest to ensure that the region does not lag behind and that an unstable neighbourhood does not drag its growth.
· India’s desire to link South Asia to the economically dynamic Southeast Asia is also a part of this strategy.
Sahitya 7 years
Please review..
IAS Parliament 7 years
Tapasvi 7 years
Kindly review
IAS Parliament 7 years
Nandadeep 7 years
Please review and mention key points wherever needed please sir
IAS Parliament 7 years