
Civil Societies

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June 16, 2018

Civil societies which is considered indispensable for democracy is witnessing a decline in recent times. Examine the above statement and discuss its effects on Indian society. (200 words)

Refer – The Hindu

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IAS Parliament 7 years


·        Citizens initiate and sustain various conversations with each other through associational life in the space of civil society.

·        Associations bring people together in different projects, enable them to speak back to power, and protect them against arbitrary exercise of state power.

·        For these reasons, associations are considered indispensable for democratic life.

Significance of Civil Societies

·        Associations encourage people of differing views to connect with each others.

·        It helps to

a)    appreciate codes of sociability

b)   moderate aggressive instincts

c)    rid our minds of mindless prejudices

d)    see other people as worthy of regard and respect

·        It might also helps to

a)    tame acquisitive individualism

b)   discipline bellicose impulses

·        Associational life trains us to be sociable and civil.

On the declining path

·        Rights activists are often labelled as anti-national.

·        Members of CSOs are hounded and subjected to vile accusations and abuse on the social media.

·        Investigative agencies have suspended funding of civil society organisations (CSOs).

·        Perfectly legitimate protests are frowned upon.

Effect on Indian Society

·        It curtails the ordinary citizen’s right to scrutinise the work of their representatives, publicise acts of omission and commission, such as infringement of civil liberties etc.

·        The decline of CSO would result in lack of civility and solidarity among citizens.

·        The lack of binding force between citizens gives an opportunity for anti-social elements to cultivate incivility.

·        Eventually, it would lead to more and more violence and lynchings.

·        It will result in bad governance and abuse of power.



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