GS-I |
Social Issues
1) Nations that cross the boundaries of civilised behaviour can only give lasting wounds, not lasting solutions. Comment (250 words)
Refer – The Hindu
2) Analyse the linkage between the increase in type 2 diabetes and the air pollution in metropolitans across the country. Provide ways to mitigate the problem of air pollution. (250 words)
Refer – The Hindu
Science and Technology
3) India has the highest public sector budget for research in the world as a share of GDP, however, the private sector lags way behind. Critically Examine (250 words)
Refer – Business Standard
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
Sanjeev Kumar Singh 1 year
Public and Private sector in research
Kindly review
IAS Parliament 1 year
Good Answer. Support your answer with facts & figures. Keep Writing.
Sanjeev Kumar Singh 1 year
Nation and civilised behaviour
Kindly review
IAS Parliament 1 year
Good Answer. Try to stick to the given word limit. Try to follow a coherent structure to your answer. Keep Writing.
Manjula Jodu 1 year
IAS Parliament 1 year
Good Answer. Try to add few points on why nations tend to cross civilized boundaries and how the situation can be tackled. Keep Writing.
Gajendra 1 year
Science and Technology
IAS Parliament 1 year
Good Answer. Try to add more points on why the private sector lags behind in research and few points on how the issue can be resolved. Keep Writing.