1) The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism imposes a higher burden on developing nations. Comment (250 words)
Refer – The Hindu Business Line
2) Discuss the various implications of non-indigenous trees with suitable examples. (250 words)
Refer – The Indian Express
Science and Technology
3) What are mRNA vaccines? How are mRNA vaccines different from traditional vaccines? Highlight the examples of mRNA vaccines used in India. (150 words)
Refer – The Hindu
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
Sanjeev Kumar Singh 1 year
mRNA vaccine
Kindly review. Nandry .
IAS Parliament 1 year
Good Answer. Keep Writing.
Sanjeev Kumar Singh 1 year
Non indigenous trees
Kindly review. Thanks
IAS Parliament 1 year
Good Answer. Try to quote few examples of non-indigenous trees in India and their implications on the environment. Keep Writing.
Sanjeev Kumar Singh 1 year
Kindly review
IAS Parliament 1 year
Good Answer. Keep Writing.
Jayashri.B 1 year
Kindly check and evaluate.
IAS Parliament 1 year
Good Answer. Keep Writing.
Manjula Jodu 1 year
question 2
IAS Parliament 1 year
Good Answer. Try to stick to the given word limit. Keep Writing.