GS - I
Climate Change
Gender equality and environmental goals are mutually reinforcing and create a virtuous circle that will help accelerate the achievement of the SDGs. Analyze (250 words)
Refer - The Hindu
India & its Neighbourhood
The sporadic attempts to enhance trade ties between India and Pakistan have been often constrained. Analyze the statement and suggest measures to deal with the situation. (250 words)
Refer - Business Line
What is flex-fuel vehicle? Analyze the pros and cons of flex-fuel vehicles. (150 words)
Refer - The Indian Express
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
Ritika 2 years
Respected Madam/Sir,
Kindly evaluate the answer
IAS Parliament 2 years
Good Answer. Try to stick to the given word limit. Keep Writing.
Puja Nayak 2 years
Sir please evaluate the answer
IAS Parliament 2 years
Good Attempt. Try to add points on how gender equality and environmental goals are connected. Try to follow a coherent structure to your answer. Keep Writing.