1) Despite advances in health care, cervical cancer remains the second most common cancer among women in India. Analyse the reasons behind this and provide suggestions to improve the situation in India. (250 words)
Refer – The Hindu
2) What do you know about carbon capture? In this context, compare and contrast carbon capture and storage (CCS) with carbon dioxide removal (CDR). (250 words)
Refer – The Indian Express
Science & Technology
Discuss the geographic, scientific, economic and strategic significance of India's second space port. (250 words)
Refer – The Times of India
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
K. V. A 1 year
Pls review
IAS Parliament 1 year
Good Answer. Try to add more points on the significance of the new launch pad. Keep Writing.
K. V. A 1 year
Pls review
IAS Parliament 1 year
Good Answer. Try to support your answer with facts & figures. Keep Writing.
K. V. A 1 year
Pls review
IAS Parliament 1 year
Good Attempt. Try to clearly state the difference between CDR & CCS. Keep Writing.