Science and Technology
1) What is Geoengineering? Discuss how it impacts global food production? (150 words)
Refer – Down To Earth
Science and Technology
2) What do you know about quantum dots? Discuss it’s basic principles and properties. Enumerate the applications of quantum dots in various fields. (250 words)
Refer – The Hindu
Disaster Management
3) Overcoming a disaster is a herculean task in itself for the mankind. In this context, discuss the steps taken by the government to protect people with disabilities during natural disasters. (250 words)
Refer – Down To Earth
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
Sanjeev Kumar Singh 1 year
Geo engineering
Kindly review
IAS Parliament 1 year
Good Answer. Try to follow a coherency in your answer. Keep Writing.
Sanjeev Kumar Singh 1 year
Quantum dots
Kindly review
IAS Parliament 1 year
Good Answer. Keep Writing.
Sanjeev Kumar Singh 1 year
Disaster management
Kindly review
IAS Parliament 1 year
Good Attempt. The given answer focuses on general laws that govern disaster management. However, the question demands to answer in the perspective of persons with disabilities. Try to include points in this aspect. Keep Writing.