
Daily Mains Practice Questions 25-09-2023

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September 25, 2023



1) Compare and Contrast the views of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Ambedkar on separate electorates based on caste. (250 words)

Refer – The Indian Express



2) Highlight the various types of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanisms available in India. Discuss the contributions of ADR in reducing the burden of the Courts in India. (250 words)

Refer – The Hindu


International Relations

3) The U.S.-China competition in West Asia opens new avenues of engagement. India should strive to play a major geopolitical role in West Asia and its extended neighborhood, without upsetting its traditional balance. Analyse (250 words)

Refer – The Hindu


Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.

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Vighnesh khade 12 months

ADR mechanism 

IAS Parliament 12 months

Good Answer. Try to add few suitable examples to your answer. Keep Writing.

Sanjeev Kumar Singh 12 months

West Asia pdf 

Kindly review

IAS Parliament 12 months

Good Attempt. Try to add points on what are the new avenues available for India and also try to add few points on how the West Asia could be the path to reach Europe. Keep Writing.

Sanjeev Kumar Singh 12 months

ADR mechanism

Kindly review

IAS Parliament 12 months

Good Attempt. Clearly mention the different types of ADR mechanisms available in India and provide suitable examples accordingly. Keep Writing.

VINONA KARMY 12 months

ADR Mechanisms 

Kindly review.Thank you 

IAS Parliament 12 months

Good Answer. Try to support your answer with facts & figures. Keep Writing. 



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