
Daily Mains Practice Questions 28-08-2023

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August 28, 2023


Social Issues

1) In India, districts with an increased proportion of soil zinc samples had significantly lower rates of child stunting and underweight. In this context, explain how the deficiency in micronutrients in soil are linked to health of children and women. (250 words)

Refer – Down To Earth



International Relations

2) China, which has virtually captured BRICS, sees it as an anti-Western alliance. In this context, comment if BRICS the Chinese NAM? (250 words)

Refer – The Hindu Business Line


International Relations

3) The vulnerability of the Arctic region may lead to  unprecedented changes in the climate may have an impact on India in terms of economic security, water security and sustainability. Critically Examine (250 words)

Refer – The Hindu


Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.

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Sukithra Murugesan 1 year

Hi sir, this is my third question's answer, yesterday i couldnt finish, so submitting it now, kindly evaluate and give some insights, thankyou sir

IAS Parliament 1 year

Good Attempt. Try to add more points on how soil health and health of women and children are associated. Try to follow a coherent structure to your answer. Keep Writing.

Abishek A 1 year

My answer to BRICS. Kindly give me suggestions 

IAS Parliament 1 year

Good Attempt. Try to add more points on why BRICS is China’s NAM and its implications. Try to follow a coherent structure to your answer. Keep Writing.

Sukithra Murugesan 1 year

Kindly provide some insights, thankyou sir/mam

IAS Parliament 1 year

Arctic Region – Good Answer. Try to support your answer with data. Keep Writing. 

China NAM – Good Answer. Try to add few points from India’s perspective. Keep Writing.



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