
Disaster Management

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November 19, 2018

Do priorities for action under Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk reduction have been effectively applied in case of Cyclones in India? Comment. (200 Words)

Refer-The Hindu

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IAS Parliament 6 years


Application of Sendai Framework

Cyclone Phialin(2013)

·        At a Central level, the Indian Meteorological Department’s ability to accurately predict the cyclone was improved significantly(4-5days in advance)

·        An NDMA project – the National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project by Ministry of Home Affairs ensured that there were enough cyclone shelters along the coastline.

·        There are over 200 shelters in Odisha’s affected areas built with central assistance, over 50 of them under this project.

·        This time, the coordination was excellent, for instance, the state initially wanted 10-12 NDRF teams, but the centre provided 29 teams.


Cyclone Gaja(2018)


·        The initiative taken by the State Disaster Management Authority in issuing alerts ahead of Cyclone Gaja helped coastal residents move to camps and adopt safety measures.

·        The measures taken by the State after the cyclone; clearing roads, removing fallen trees and repairing power infrastructure and communications, helped restore some stability.


Reforms yet to be implemented from the Sendai Framework


·        Proactive disbursal of the relief and compensation.

·        Sufficient protection and compensation for the crops and livestock.

·        Provision of emergency health intervention and rehabilitation assistance to rebuild lives.

·        Coastal States must, focus on reducing the hazard through policies that expand resilient housing, build better storm shelters.

·        Quality HAM radio operators to effectively communicate with people in case of failure of communication.




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