In recent years, GDP growth in India has been consumption-led rather than investment-led. Is consumption-led expansion sustainable? Discuss (200 words)
Refer – The Hindu
Enrich the answers from other sources, if the question demands.
IAS Parliament 7 years
Consumption-led growth
· It relies on higher consumer spending to raise aggregate demand and lead to higher investment and faster economic growth.
Investment-led growth
· It in contrast, relies on investment to create new capacity.
· This, in turn, creates more employment and hence higher demand, while simultaneously, increasing productive capacity.
· As supply rises in tandem with higher demand, growth picks up.
In recent years, India’s GDP growth continues to be powered by consumption, not investments.
Is Consumption led growth sustainable?
· Consumption led growth is sustainable up to a point, especially if it is financed by expanding the government (centre plus states’ cumulative fiscal) deficit.
· In the short term, Consumption-led demand could result in an increase in imports (in response to higher demand) and, possibly, a higher current account deficit as well.
· In the long term, demand pressures from rising incomes, in the absence of an adequate supply response, could lead to overheating of the economy and inflation.
· Consumption-led growth can arguably lead to a slackening of future growth if it entails growing imbalances due to limits to capacity creation, and rising debt burdens, particularly for households.
Way ahead
· In India as well as globally, experience has shown that in the long term, economic growth is likely to be higher and more sustained if it is investment-rather than consumption led.
Sahitya 7 years
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IAS Parliament 7 years
Pragathi 7 years
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IAS Parliament 7 years
Tapasvi 7 years
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IAS Parliament 7 years
Manav 7 years
Kindly review it. Thanks.
IAS Parliament 7 years