The quality of Higher education in India has suffered under the University Grants Commission (UGC) regime. In the light of the above statement, discuss whether the newly proposed regulator Higher Education Commission of India (HECI) address the actual issues, imperilling higher education or will it be just a replacement of one institution by another. (200 words)
Refer – Financial Express
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
IAS Parliament 7 years
· The number of Indian institutes/universities featuring in the list of global top universities is a low single digit.
· Against such a backdrop, the HECI will not only lay down the desired learning outcomes, it will also set the standards for factors that will influence the outcomes of learning, including curriculum development, teaching, assessment, etc.
· The new regulator proposed will focus largely on regulating quality of higher education while the grant function under the UGC system will likely be vested with another new body.
· It will also be tasked with promoting autonomy for higher education institutions to foster “innovation, incubation and entrepreneurship”—a big departure from the inspector raj of the past.
· The draft HECI Bill recognises the need for higher education to also provide for industry’s talent needs.
· While the earlier UGC simply allowed for a member to be chosen from industry, HECI explicitly states that one member must be an “industry doyen”.
· The power to grant recognition/authorisation to universities for award of degrees/diplomas, as under the UGC system, will remain a core function.
· The proposed advisory body that will include the Union HRD minister and chairpersons of all state higher education councils as members will help the regulator address specific pain-points of the states.
· The HECI is obligated to take steps to implement the advice rendered by the Advisory Council.
· This will reduce the autonomy vital for a regulator.
· The proposed law retains the over-arching shadow of government interference that marked the UGC system.
Abhishek Dandriyal 7 years
Kindly review.
IAS Parliament 7 years
Well-structured Answer. Keep writing.