The idea of Inter-linking Rivers is touted by many as a solution to India’s water woes. Do you agree? Justify your stand. (200 words)
Refer – The Indian Express
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
IAS Parliament 7 years
· Reduce diversity between the water surplus and water scarce parts of India.
· Help in irrigation and storage as a large Indian agriculture is rainfall dependent.
· Mitigate droughts and floods.
· Will create employment and help in socio-economic development of people.
· Potential benefits to transportation through navigation, as well as broadening income sources in rural areas through fishing.
· Environmental concerns – The ecology of every river is unique. Letting the waters of two rivers mix may affect biodiversity.
· Besides, it involves construction of a massive network of canals and dams, which would lead to large-scale displacement of people.
· It may make changes to agricultural patterns, and affect livelihoods.
· In addition, rainfall patterns are changing due to climate change.
· So the basins now supposed to be surplus, might cease to be so in few years.
· Financial concerns – In 2001, the total cost for linking the Himalayan and peninsular rivers was estimated at Rs 5,60,000 crore.
· The cost is now likely to be substantially higher. Also, the cost-benefit ratio might no longer be favourable.
Way Ahead
· Inter-linking of rivers initially appears to be a costly proposition, but in the long run the net benefits coming from it will far outweigh the losses.
· So, to make this techno-economically feasible, a sound scientific and technical assessment needs to be undertaken before implementing the proposal on a large scale.
Vishwanth Adhepalli 7 years
Plz review page
IAS Parliament 7 years
approach is good. Try to be more legible. Keep