Organ donation is purely based on public trust and a breach of such trust can cause immeasurable harm. Analyse the statement and suggest measures to secure more public trust in the donation process? (200 words)
Refer – The Hindu
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
IAS Parliament 7 years
· Organ donation is based on public trust that due process is being followed.
· For this to succeed, people must have utmost trust in the process of organ donation and allocation.
· Even in highly developed countries, donation rates drop temporarily when news of suspicious practices surfaces.
· In India, this is even more important as controversies such as these can break a developing programme and bring us back to square one.
· For example, the recent findings in Tamilnadu that foreign patients who are waiting for a donor heart transplant are being prioritised over Indian patients.
· These suspicious activities will have a great impact in reducing the donation rate.
· A reduction in donation rate will affect patients waiting for organs as each donor can save up to seven lives.
· These scandals or rumours does no good to the system and can cause immeasurable harm to sick patients desperately waiting for organs.
Fine-tuning the process
· The process should be made more transparent and accessible to the public.
· If donation and the allocation of each organ can be tracked, that will be a strong deterrent to mischief.
· Most importantly, the outcome of every transplant should be monitored.
· It should be made mandatory that the transplanting centre should report the outcome of the organ and the patient with updates at one week, one month and one year after transplantation.
· Another option is to develop a system of zonalisation across the country (like in the U.S.) so that more efficient sharing of organs across States is feasible.
· This will significantly benefit transplant programmes in government hospitals.
siva 7 years
please review
IAS Parliament 7 years
Discussing the effect of such breach of trust would be a better answer for the first part of the question. Otherwise a good attempt. Keep writing.