
Govt Policies & Interventions

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August 20, 2018

Recently, Lok Sabha passed a Bill that proposes to allow non-resident Indians (NRIs) to use proxies to cast votes on their behalf in Indian elections. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of proxy voting. What other viable alternatives do you suggest? (200 words)

Refer – The Indian Express

Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.

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Shankaranand 7 years

Please Review,

Thank You.

IAS Parliament 7 years

In India, NRIs were already granted voting rights. It should be been proxy voting rights in the first sentence. Otherwise a good attempt. Keep writing.

IAS Parliament 7 years


Proxy Voting

·         Under proxy voting, a registered elector can delegate his/her voting power to a representative.

·         Only a “classified service voter” is allowed to nominate a proxy to cast vote on his/her behalf.

·         In India they include members of the armed forces, BSF, CRPF, CISF, General Engineering Reserve Force and Border Road Organisation.


·         It reduces the hardship faced by overseas electors in exercising their franchise by being present in India on the day of polling.

·         It helps to devise policies which are inclusive of their interests and incentivises them to participate in nation-building.

·         The additional votes, polled through this way, will obviously play a crucial role in state and general elections.


·         Prone to malpractices

·         Trust deficiency (A proxy voter may not vote as per the wishes of the overseas voter)

·         Discriminatory to domestic electors

·         Violates the principle of secrecy of voting and free and fair elections

·         It will further lead to the corrupt practices of purchasing votes.

Other alternatives

·         Online voting (but this could compromise secrecy of voting)

·         Voting by post (E-postal ballot is a ballot paper that is sent to the voter electronically and returned to the returning officer by post)

·         Voting at Indian mission abroad (but it is difficult to organise polling with limited resources)

Raj 7 years

This is my first post in IAS Parliament.

Please review.

"Free and Fair election" - this was enshrined in our Indian Constitution to conduct election in all manner with satisfied set of rules and regulations. In this way can cast votes by three ways - in person, by post and through a proxy. Proxy, since which is specially reserved for armed forces officials and it was established in 2003 in Lok sabha and other assemblies with limited scale. Due to petitions filled in supreme court and suggestions form NRI's for their voting rights in Indian constituency. Finally, a 12 member committee was set up to review the possibilities, and suggested that e-balloot and a proxy method. Law ministry accepted the Proxy method for NRI's. So, lok sabha passed The Representation of the people (Amendment)Bill, 2017, which extends the proxy methods to the Overseas Indians and waiting for the Rajya Sabha approval.

With the enactment and amendment bill, Election Commission should review the Conduct of Election Rules, 1961. Various suggestions and fear among experts about this proxy and need to examine the merits and demerits of this Bill.


Overseas Indians and NRI's , who have registered properly as per the rules laid down by the Indian Goverment can cast their votes by proxy. Which provides the opportunity to asses their rights in our Indian coded law. Their wishes could be cast on the polling to elect the right member for the constituency. This gives the freedom to their rights and respect. Proxy, which provides better solution to select the proper representative to cast their votes in own constituency. Compared with other system of services, this is secured, which provide secret viable access to them. Without any intermediary and interrupt, voters can decide with themselves. By enacting this bill, we can prove free and fair election for all with equal rights.


As per the suggestion and fears, there would be some malpractice to execute this system in proper. Internal and external interrupts affects this system and violates the secrecy of voting and free and fair elections. If anyone misuses this proxy way casting, possible to change the wishes of voters and it breach the provisions of the bill. Adverse effects and debates will arise due to this proxy system, if its not implemented properly. Also its effects and our democracy, which leads to review the bill provisions and law frequently, which will drain our confined time limit and system of execution.

Way forward suggestions:

With the expert committee, election commission should review the bill in timely manner and if its needed. Rules and regulations should be placed in execution level of operation. Expert panel should identify the flaws and holes in this system and can rectify the issues in time. With the progress of Digital India, we can suggest various alternative methods to use and demonstration in limited area for their initial stage.

IAS Parliament 7 years

A good try. Focus more on content. Shorten the introduction part. Maintain word limit. Keep writing. 

Raj 7 years

Thanks for Review. I'll keep in mind such things in next writings. Thanks!!



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