The government schemes and initiatives should not only aim to achieve the quantifiable targets but also ensure quality. Explain (200 Words)
Refer - Financial Express
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
IAS Parliament 3 years
· Taking cognizance of the people who have returned from urban employment hotspots to their native towns and villages, the Government has launched the PM Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyan with a total outlay of Rs. 50000 crores in 2020 to ensure continuity of their livelihood.
· The program not only has several policy measures for strengthening economic activity and employment but also has a component for skilling, reskilling and upskilling.
· The skill mapping exercise which is being undertaken in collaboration with the State and district administration is providing us an estimate of skills supply present in rural India.
· However, India experiencing a ‘demographic dividend’ of its lifetime has never been able to undertake formal employment, output or skills projections for the future and continues to rely on general economic projections for policy response.
· A strategic view of ‘skills’ is also essential for economy-wide productivity gains. Transforming India into a ‘middle- income’ country shall require huge productivity gains across economic spheres.
· In turn, gains in productivity are directly proportional to candidates entering the workforce being able to match skills with aspirations.
· The global and national backdrop provides us with an opportunity to accord ‘strategic’ status to the human capital so that it can be intertwined with economic planning and it presages the changes in the real economy rather than follows it.
Tapasvi 3 years
Kindly review
IAS Parliament 3 years
Good attempt. Keep Writing.
kindly review
IAS Parliament 3 years
Try to mention about achievements of the schemes. Keep Writing.
Aravind R 3 years
Kindly review this mam/sir
IAS Parliament 3 years
Good answer. Keep Writing.