The creation of Ministry of cooperation recognizes the significance of outcomes of cooperative movement carried out in the country. Elaborate (200 Words)
Refer - Financial Express
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
Abdul hakkim 4 years
Please review mam /sir
IAS Parliament 4 years
Try to include about outcomes of the cooperatives. Keep Writing.
Saurabh kasaudhan 4 years
Kindly review and provide suggestions for improvement
IAS Parliament 4 years
Try to integrate outcomes of cooperative with the creation of new ministry. Keep Writing.
IAS Parliament 4 years
· There are over 8 lakh cooperatives of all shapes and sizes across sectors in India.
· In an absolute sense, it may appear a big number, but seen in the context of India and its size, it is still very small and the country should be having many more cooperatives operating.
· With this move, the cooperatives come under focus, which is really welcome, the health and revitalization of the cooperatives depends on how the various elements that are crucial for this are dealt with.
· Amul deals with 16 million milk producers, 1,85,903 dairy cooperatives; 222 district cooperative milk unions; marketed by 28 state marketing federations.
· This gave better livelihood for poor farmers and increased the milk productivity in the country, further gave boost to exports of dairy products.
· Moreover, created better alternatives to small farmers during poor monsoon.
· It has to be implemented in a decentralised manner by bringing genuine cooperation between the states and the centre
· Cooperatives can be formed anywhere. Even restaurants can form a cooperative and take up home delivery of food.
Plz review
IAS Parliament 4 years
Try to interrelate the creation of ministry with the outcomes. Keep Writing.
Jagadish 4 years
Can we get synopsis ??