
22/12/2021 - Governance

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December 22, 2021

Discuss the various implications in linking Election Commissions’ electoral roll data with aadhar ecosystem. (200 Words)

Refer - The Hindu

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IAS Parliament 3 years


·        An unwillingness to allow meaningful debate and invite wider consultation can undo even the progressive aspects of problematic legislation.

·        Union government has managed to push through a Bill in Parliament to link electoral roll data with the Aadhaar ecosystem.

·        Bill’s objective  to purify the rolls and weed out bogus voters  may appear laudable, and the seeding of Aadhaar data with voter identity particulars may seem to be a good way of achieving it.

·        Indeed, this can also allow for remote voting, a measure that could help migrant voters. The four qualifying dates for revision of rolls will help in faster enrolment of those who turn 18.

·        The Opposition underscored the possible disenfranchisement of legitimate voters unwilling or unable to submit Aadhaar details, the possible violation of privacy, and the possibility that demographic details may be misused for profiling of voters.

·        Even though the Aadhaar requirement is said to be voluntary, in practice it can be made mandatory. The Bill says the election registration officer may require the submission of the Aadhaar number both for new enrolments and those already enrolled.

·        If the Government really has no ulterior motive in the form of triggering mass deletions from the electoral rolls, it must invite public opinion.


Harshitha G 3 years

Please review

IAS Parliament 3 years

NEed better understanding, try to provide a proper introduction and conclusion and structure the answer as per the demand of the question. Keep Writing.

Manish 3 years

Please Review !

IAS Parliament 3 years

Try to bring out the negative implications of the bill. Keep Writing.

Cibi Siddharth 3 years

kindly review and provide suggestions sir/mam

IAS Parliament 3 years

Try to mention about the negative implications. Keep Writing.

Hina Katariya 3 years

Please review

IAS Parliament 3 years

Try to stick to word limit and focus on implications. Keep Writing.



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