
24/08/2021 - Governance

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August 24, 2021

Do you think that the creation of citizens’ assemblies will fulfill an essential requirement for good governance in the country? Comment (200 Words)

Refer - The Indian Express

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IAS Parliament 4 years


·        All governments are expected to perform for the people. This is necessary for the survival of authoritarian governments also.

·        Citizens must have a right to information about their governments’ performance, and the Right to Information was a good step for strengthening democracy in India.

·        The problem for governance is the “missing middle”  between spaces for public opinion below, and constitutional forums such as elected assemblies and courts at the top  to find democratic solutions to citizens’ problems.

·        Therefore, building a middle layer of institutions for democratic deliberations amongst citizens has become essential for democratic governance.

·        It is time for the next step in the evolution of democratic institutions. Citizens assemblies for democratic deliberation should be formally established in cities, districts and states.

·        They should run parallel to formal constitutional bodies that have “decision rights”, such as elected assemblies and courts, and must become a source of solutions for them.

·        They must be provided resources by the state for their conduct. It is essential they operate independently of the government.

·        Therefore, they must be governed by respected citizens with integrity to ensure they remain non-partisan and fulfil their constitutional purpose of filling the “missing middle” in democratic institutions.

·        Their meetings must be professionally facilitated to ensure thoughtful consideration of many points of view. 



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