Involving local communities along with welfare of women can prevent the malnutrition in the country effectively. Elaborate (200 Words)
Refer - The Indian Express
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
aswin 4 years
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IAS Parliament 4 years
IAS Parliament 4 years
· With equal wages for women and men, and direct payments to workers’ bank accounts, MGNREGA helps to increase women’s incomes.
· Beyond behaviour change communication and regular monitoring, direct nutrition interventions are key, especially during pregnancy, breastfeeding and in the early years of a child’s life.
· While providing hot cooked meals frontline health workers also have the opportunity to give pregnant women iron, folic acid and calcium tablets.
· A study by the Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) of Karnataka’s Mathrupoorna programme for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers found a reduction in anemia, improved gestational weight gain, improved birth weight, and reduced depression among women participants.
· Childcare enables women to earn a livelihood. Longer working hours for the anganwadi, will help women go out to do paid work, including on MGNREGA worksites.
· Mobile creches for younger children at these worksites and construction sites will help women to work without anxiety about their children’s safety and well-being.
· Convergent action on the ground is one of the strengths of gram panchayats. Anganwadi workers, ASHAs, ANMs and anganwadi supervisors can work together with panchayat members to ensure that all children and mothers are covered with maternity benefits and nutrition services.
Gargi 4 years
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IAS Parliament 4 years
Try to include some government schemes like ICDS. Keep Writing.
Sheetal Vinod Kothari 4 years
IAS Parliament 4 years
Try to repost the answer in image or pdf format. Image must be in jpg or jpeg format. Or else try to convert the image to pdf format. The file size must be less than 2MB.
Dev 4 years
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if possible then some tips to improve
IAS Parliament 4 years
Try to improve the alignment of points in the answer, to improve the presentation, Avoid writing general points, try to mention the government schemes, try to bring coherence in the answer by interlinking the points. Keep Writing.