
28/11/2020 - Health

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November 27, 2020

India needs its Ayurveda graduates, to improve the common man’s access to decent health care. Elaborate  (200 Words)

Refer - The Hindu

Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.


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Aradhana Tiwari 4 years

Please review.....

IAS Parliament 4 years

Try to mention about serving in rural areas. Keep Writing.

IAS Parliament 4 years


Identity crisis

·      The degree in Ayurvedic medicine became largely an Ayurveda course. However, it was necessary out of a practical career compulsion to teach the basics of modern medicine to these graduates.

·      They had to survive in the medical market, which by that time was the dominant form of health care in India. Most Ayurvedic graduates entered general practice.

·      More importantly, several of them went on to work in rural and under-served areas. Some set up nursing homes. In rural Maharashtra, several nursing homes were run by integrated graduates.

·      In Chiplun in the Konkan, for instance, the only nursing homes offering emergency obstetric and surgical services were run by non-allopathic graduates. In health care, availability is often more important than quality, specialisation and such extravagant ideas.

·      In an instance from a hospital, the Ayurvedic surgical assistant employed there closes the abdomen better than new trainees.

·      During COVID-19, a large number of the quarantine centres were manned by these doctors. Incidentally, they work for less pay which allows hospitals to control costs and even make profits. All this is not a rationalisation but an explanation which we ought to know.

A silver lining

·      Ayurveda graduates including surgeons are a large workforce in search of an identity. India needs them. If they are creatively and properly trained, they can play important roles in our health-care system.

·      In fact as we have seen in certain situations, they already do. On site or ambulance care of trauma victims is in a shambles in India. It is effectively delivered by trained paramedics in many countries. Given the right training, pay and identity, Ayurvedic surgeons can be trained to strengthen this service and save hundreds of lives.

Aradhana Tiwari 4 years


How to upload answersheet ?

IAS Parliament 4 years

Take the picture of the answer sheet and convert it into pdf, size of the file should be less than 2mb.

If available, use any scanner app and upload it.

Venkateshwaran R 4 years

Kindly provide feedback. Thank you mam/Sir

IAS Parliament 4 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.

Venkateshwaran R 4 years

Thank you Mam /Sir. I will keep writing



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