
Govt Policies & Interventions

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September 22, 2018

India has recently launched a National Database of Sexual Offenders. To what extent such a database would help in curbing crimes against women and children? Discuss (200 words)

Refer – The Indian Express

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IAS Parliament 6 years


·        India has launched a National Database of Sex Offenders’, which will have records of about 4.4 lakh people convicted of various sexual offences from 2005 onwards.

Effectiveness of the database

·        The registry contains the name, address, photograph, fingerprint details, DNA samples, PAN and Aadhaar number of the offender.

·        The National Crime Records Bureau will maintain the database, which will be shared with states and union territories for tracking, monitoring and investigating, including verification of antecedents by police.

·        For instance, before hiring a domestic help, a prospective employer can get his antecedents verified by the police.

·        It will be very helpful in limiting the rampant growth of sex crimes, including those against children.

·        It will act as a deterrent against the perpetrator and also helps in sorting out and solving cases.

·        It will be very much useful to investigators when offenders who commit a crime in one state migrate to another.

·        It ensures less opportunity for repeated offenders.


·        Under-reporting – As per the NCRB data for 2016, in 94.6% of reported cases of rape against women and children, the perpetrator is known to the victim.

·        This had resulted in frequent under-reporting of the crimes. Thus, the registry missed many of the real offenders already.

·        The fear of the offender being included in the registry may further exacerbate the problem of underreporting.

·        Low conviction rate – The database will include offenders convicted under charges of rape, gang rape, POCSO and eve teasing.

·        According to NCRB, in 2016, courts across the country completed trial in 18,552 rape cases.

·        However, accused in 13,813 cases were acquitted. This means that conviction rate in rape cases was just 25.5%.

·        This again reiterates the failure of the database to include the potential offenders.

·        Updated registry – The criminal justice system is already under-staffed and under-resourced.  

·        At this juncture, it would be very difficult to keep the registry updated.

·        Disincentivises reform – The database is graded, retaining data on “low danger” offenders for 15 years, those offering “moderate danger” for 25 years, and habitual offenders for their lifetime.

·        It gives no option for the offender to reform.

Innovative model

·        The Canadian National Sex Offender Registry, which offers an opt-out option — after paying the debt to society, offenders can be delisted if they convince a judge that they no longer present a threat, would be a great model to emulate for India.

·        Also, the focus needs to be shifted to tackling barriers to reporting, training law enforcement officials and providing support to survivors.

Secret agent 6 years

Kindly review. 

IAS Parliament 6 years

Try to include what details are found in the registry and link it with how it helps to track the offenders. Try to add more valid points in the limitation part. Keep writing.

Tapasvi 6 years

Kindly review

IAS Parliament 6 years

Shorten the introduction part. Try to add under-reporting, low conviction rate, challenges in updating the registry in the limitation part. Keep writing.

Manav 6 years

Kindly review. Thanks. 

IAS Parliament 6 years

Good effort. Keep writing.



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