
30/03/2019 - Environment

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March 30, 2019

Discuss the various possible global consequences of warming of arctic region. (200 Words)

Refer - Indian Express

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IAS Parliament 6 years


One of the most dramatic effects of global warming is seen in the Arctic region. In recent years the ice in the Arctic Sea has been melting rapidly. In 2007, a large part of the Arctic Sea became ice free in summer months for the first time in living history. 

Possible consequences

The melting of the ice in the Arctic Sea has had two major geopolitical impacts:

·        One, new shipping routes between the Atlantic Ocean in the west and the Pacific Ocean in the East, linking Europe with Asia in the north, have opened up. These consist of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) and the North West passage.

·        Second, opening of the Arctic Sea has given way for resource mapping in the Arctic region. The Arctic Sea is estimated to have as much 10 to 20% of the world’s oil and nearly 30% of natural gas.

Importance of arctic region:

·        The territories in the Arctic Circle regions of Russia, Norway, Sweden and Finland have large minerals, particularly, the iron ore. Mineral exploration and exploitation is expected to pick up as Arctic shipping develops further in the future.

·        Apart from the minerals, the Arctic regions will emerge as a new source of fishing. The region is already being called the ‘kitchen of Europe’. The releases of new lands as a result of melting of ice will lead to development of the agriculture in the region.

·        Polar tourism is picking up too. The small Norwegian town of Kirkenes attracts nearly 200,000 tourists in the year.

Negative consequences

·        Arctic warming weakens the temperature difference between the tropics and the poles, resulting in less precipitation, weaker cyclones and mid-latitude westerly wind flow — a recipe for prolonged droughts.

·        When the Arctic is warmer, the jet stream and other wind patterns tend to be weaker; the temperature difference in the Arctic and the tropics is less steep. The change brings less precipitation to the mid-latitudes.

·        Currently, the northern high latitudes are warming at rates that are double the global average.This will decrease the equator-to-pole temperature gradient to values, causing droughts. 

pooja 6 years

We must be thankful for the fact that 
our globe is the only planet in our solar system where life is sustainable
Rather, we are ruining our earth in turn all living creatures with the human induced activities
Deforestation , industrial revolution, burning of fossil fuels from which
global warming is emanating.
With our tremendous encroachment in natural habitat, we are proliferating the situation.
Ozone layer in stratosphere is depleting while main contributors being high levels of chlorine and bromine compounds emanating from CFCs. It averts the detrimental wavelengths of ultraviolet light from exiting through the Earth's atmosphere.This depletion concern leads to the MONTREAL protocol banning the usage of CFCs, other chemicals as carbon tetra chloride, methyl chloroform and halon.
One more perturbing thing is warming temperature in the arctic. A report from NASA satellites shows it's perennial ice is diminishing gradually. The white surface like ice and snow reflects nearly 80% of the sun's energy back into space. But diminishing ice sheets tend to expose more land and Ocean surface subsuming more heat which induces intense global warming. Land based ice in Greenland begetting sea level to rise ,which eventually affects the water table (aquifers) in coastal areas replacing the fresh water with more salinity.
Another problem is thawing permafrost having huge sums of carbon, which on release will foster greenhouse gases. once emitted, carbon dioxide nearly stays in the air for 100 -200 years.
It is also eroding the polar vortex, including jet streams leading to long and chilly winter in southern part of northern hemisphere. If we do not take any serious measures , nothing will save us from the consequences.

IAS Parliament 6 years

Cut short the introduction part. Try to include reclamation of lands in arctic region, exploration of natural resources by Russia, change in geo-politics etc. Keep Writing.



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