
07/03/2022 - Environment

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March 07, 2022

Tribal Communities’ knowledge and customs should be central while dealing with forest fires in a warming world. Discuss (200 Words)

Refer - The Indian Express

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IAS Parliament 3 years


·        India’s varied forest habitat is a giant tinderbox that can release vast amounts of carbon dioxide, imperilling lives and livelihoods.

·        In combating wildfires, we can no longer continue to ignore the critical role of our allies  the forest dwellers and tribal communities.

·        Inaction on forest fires would have grave consequences for the country. In 2021 alone, large blazes in Simlipal Tiger Reserve in Odisha and Uttarakhand destroyed ecosystems of species from the microscopic to the magnificent, releasing thousands of tonnes of carbon.

·        In Simlipal, for instance, tribal people were on the frontline of battling fires last year and as this summer looms, women’s self-help groups have been clearing the brush and creating fire lines.

·        “Good fire” of low to moderate intensity may reduce the fuel for larger blazes and aid germination of plants whose seeds need fire to crack open.

·        To combat forest fires, India will also need to improve coordination between ministries and agencies at the union and state levels to ensure contextually appropriate interventions that can be delivered by the forest department and local administrations.

·        Technical knowledge should also be decentralised so that people on the ground have access to information that helps them respond to disasters and build resilience in the long term.





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