With respect to carbon trading, analyze the critical factors which can help in attaining the climate goals of the country. (200 Words)
Refer - Financial Express
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
IAS Parliament 3 years
· The Lok Sabha recently passed a Bill to set up a nationwide carbon trading market. Carbon trading is an important way to reduce the cost of cutting emissions.
· Common carbon currency: India already has two energy trading mechanisms Perform Achieve Trade (PAT) for energy efficiency and Renewable Energy Certificates (REC) for renewable energy.
· A common carbon currency will also improve the liquidity of the market making it more dynamic and responsive to demand and supply.
· Diversity of sectors: The cost of reducing carbon varies significantly across sectors.
· For instance, under the UK’s Climate Change Agreements Scheme, the regulator inks umbrella emissions reduction deals with sectoral industry associations that then meet the target collectively.
· Policies for innovation and competitiveness: A carbon market that incentivises deep decarbonisation beyond the low-hanging fruit will require complementary policies that spur innovation in new green technologies.
· Long-term price signal: Creating stable and long-term demand in the carbon market is important to maintain a sustained price signal to spur investment.
· Stakeholder capacity building: In our simulation, companies with prior experience in GHG estimation and management made more effective trading decisions.
· A carbon market can be an effective economic policy in India’s toolkit to support the uptake of these new energy sources and technologies.
Haritha Balamurali 3 years
Kindly review the attached document
IAS Parliament 3 years
Try to include data to support your answer and bring coherence in the answer. Keep Writing.
Aravind R 3 years
Kindly provide feedback mam/sir
IAS Parliament 3 years
Avoid using short forms. Try to bring coherence in the answer. Keep Writing.
Meenu Vijayan 3 years
kindly review
IAS Parliament 3 years
Good attempt. Keep Writing.
K. V. A 3 years
Pls review
IAS Parliament 3 years
Good attempt. Keep Writing.