The investments in road infrastructure have huge multiplier effect in the country. Justify the statement (200 Words)
Refer - The Hindu
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
IAS Parliament 3 years
· One aspect of cities that we know very little about, which contributes to their economic productivity, is that they are labour markets where the labour force exchanges their labour and creates knowledge spillovers.
· There is no doubt that the commute time for the labour force to the workplace plays a very important role in determining their productivity in cities.
· There is no doubt that the larger a city’s effective labour market, the greater its agglomeration economies and knowledge spillovers will be.
· In recent research, taking the case of Karnataka’s cities, we found that road length has a positive effect on the city’s tax base.
· This is because roads lead to easy access to jobs and increased economic activity; that also gives the public more confidence and motivation to pay taxes.
· So, cities should not view investment in road networks as expenditure; rather, roads add to the city’s revenue base which the city can use to improve infrastructure and public services.
· Even simple things such as fixing potholes and puddles on roads lead to significant reductions in travel time and should be an important city government priority.
· Investing in roads not only reduces travel time and enlarges effective labour markets of cities and their economic output, but also improves access to schooling for children as well as healthcare, thereby upgrading human development.
Tapasvi 3 years
Kindly review
IAS Parliament 3 years
Good attempt. Try to elaborate on government schemes. Keep Writing.
Aravind R 3 years
Kindly give feedback mam/sir
IAS Parliament 3 years
Try to include some government schemes. Keep Writing.
Nandhini Vijay 3 years
Road infrastructure can play an important role in realising national and macroeconomic growth targets especially in cities. Construction of roads contributes to the economic productivity, labour force can be enhanced.
Benefits of road infrastructure:
* Directly impact the cities economic output. eg.Karnataka road length has a positive effect on the cities tax base.
* Roads leads to easy access to jobs and mote public confidence and motivation to pay taxes.
* Estimates indicated that every one km increase in rod length of a ULB there us Urban local bodies own revenues increasing by 430 by percapita.
* Commutes the travel time and increases productivity.
* Improve social infrastructure and public services and their faster delivery.
Issues such as fixing potholes and puddles on roads lead to significant reductions in travel time and should be an important city government priorities.
Investing in roads not only reduces travel time and enlarges effective labour markets of cities and their economic output but also improve access to schooling for children as well as healthcare thereby upgrading human development.
IAS Parliament 3 years
Try to include some government schemes like Gati shakthi, PM Gram sadak yojana. Keep Writing.