Considering the fact that combustible cigarettes are freely available across India, do you think an outright ban on e-cigarettes is the right approach to regulate this technology. Comment. (200 words)
Refer – The Hindu
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
Shankaranand 7 years
Please Review,
Thank You.
IAS Parliament 7 years
IAS Parliament 7 years
· “e-cigar” is a new technology, and its long term health effects aren’t known yet, but there are indications that they are better than conventional cigarettes.
· As combustible cigarettes are freely available throughout India, there are concerns on whether an outright ban against e-cigars is the right move.
· Instead of burning tobacco, e-cigars heat a liquid to generate a nicotine-containing aerosol that does not produce toxic tars.
· Some researchers argued that e-cigarettes must be viewed from a “harm minimisation” perspective as they are a better alternative.
· Given that combustible cigarettes are more noxious than electronic ones, switching from the former to the latter can help addicts to lead healthier lives.
· E-cigarettes are a young technology, whose long term effects aren’t known.
· Further, some carcinogens in e-cigarettes have already been discovered to have a non-linear effect (even small quantities having big effects) on cancer.
· There is also the risk of e-cigarettes acting as a gateway drug for young people and surveys have indicated that e-cigars are likely to increase addictions.
· Further, due to its branding as a healthier alternative it may end up promoting the habit of smoking.
Way ahead
· Completely banning the technology, while selling normal cigarettes, could take away a promising smoking-cessation aid.
· A more pragmatic option would be to regulate e-cigarettes tightly, by creating standards for the aerosols and banning underage and public use.
· This would leave smokers with a therapeutic alternative, while protecting youngsters from a gateway drug.
· Either ways, conflicting evidence makes it a tough call for policymakers and India should tread cautiously.
Tapasvi 7 years
Kindly review
IAS Parliament 7 years
Good attempt. Try to include some points on combustible cigarettes too. Keep writing.